An Irreverent Look at Sixty-ish and Single
by Susan Luzader

“I’m not going to spend the rest of my life taking care of an old woman.” 

I’m standing in a Starbucks parking lot with my husband of 42 years who has just filed for divorce.  I am begging him to come home.

I am confused.  What old woman?  Who is he talking about?

Then it hits me - he is talking about me.  I am the old woman he is not going to take care of.

He walks away.  I feel like I walked into a brick wall.

Finding myself Sixtyish and Suddenly Single, I decide to examine this ridiculous life from a new perspective.  I can choose to wallow in self-pity (which I often do) or forge ahead into this brave new world.

Please join me as I navigate the waters of aging and the single life.  With apologies to Bette Davis, “Fasten your seatbelt, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

Besides, no one wants to be Miss Havisham.